martes, 24 de enero de 2017


Os dejo aquí  el enlace de lo que vamos a trabajar el próximo día en clase. Escuchad por favor el audio. Aquí abajo podéis leer lo que vais a escuchar. Os aconsejo leerlo antes de escucharlo.

A. Go straight on. Then take the first left on to Green Street. Walk past the library and it’s the building next to the library on the left.

 B. Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights. You will see a shop on the right. Go past that and it’s on the right next to the shop.

 C. Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and go straight on until you get to the roundabout. At the roundabout turn left. Go past the theatre. It’s the building next to the theatre, opposite the hospital.

 D. Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and take the second right on to King’s Road. Go past the bookshop. It’s the building next to the bookshop opposite the café.

Una palabra nueva: ROUNDABOUT.

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